LostWinds.Winter.of.the.Melodias.PAL.UPDATE.v257.WiiWare.Wii-OneU p

1635 visiteurs sur le site | S'incrire

Accédez aux coordonnées de l’ensemble des techniciens professionnels recommandés par logic-sunrise 20 derniers dossiers et tutoriaux
04 juillet 2012
Plate-forme :
Wii U / Wii
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> LostWinds.Winter.of.the.Melodias.PAL.UPDATE.v257.WiiWare.Wii-OneUp            
 > PAL                                                                          
  > Nintendo Wii (WiiWare)                                                      
   > 2012-07-04                                                                 
  > 10 x 5MB                                                                    
 > http://wii.ign.com/objects/142/14253756.html                                 
> The follow up to 2008's award-winning original, LostWinds: Winter of the      
  Melodias is packed with intuitive new gameplay mechanics. Enril the Wind      
  Spirit returns to protect and guide young Toku by powering his jumps, aiding  
  his glides and smashing his enemies. An evil adversary binds the fate of      
  Toku's mother, Magdi, and the ancient Melodia civilization. To save Magdi,    
  Toku and Enril must face new foes, enlist friends old and new, and wield      
  incredible new powers -- including the ability to switch the very seasons     
  themselves -- as they explore the diverse, richly interactive Chilling Peaks  
  and Melodia City areas of the magical land of Mistralis. This enchanting,     
  explorative game play experience is bursting with new ideas that make use of  
  the Wii Remote controller.                                                    
  This Title was updated by Nintendo so we are releasing this update for our    
> Back for 2012!                                                                
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 ��������������  Interested in helping OneUp? We are currently searching for    
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