
1546 visiteurs sur le site | S'incrire

Accédez aux coordonnées de l’ensemble des techniciens professionnels recommandés par logic-sunrise 20 derniers dossiers et tutoriaux
23 mai 2012
Plate-forme :
Wii U / Wii
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> Rush.Rush.Rally.Racing.PAL.WiiWare.Wii-OneUp

 > PAL

  > Nintendo Wii (WiiWare)

   > 2012-05-23

  > 9 x 5MB


> Remember when video games used to be fun and challenging? Tired of spending
  your hard-earned money on glorified tech demos that spit a billion polygons at
  you in full HD, but fail to make you smile? Or are you just looking for a kick
  -ass multiplayer game? Whatever your reasons, it's time that you step up to
  Rush Rush Rally Racing! The beloved Sega Dreamcast Indie Game is now coming to
  Nintendo WiiWare! Grab your friends, because three multiplayer modes are
  calling you all in this retro racer for up to four players. With two new
  single player modes, redesigned menus and many other improvements such as Game
  Cube and Classic Controller support, Rush Rush Rally Racing is even better
  than ever before!

> Some great Aussie came back from the dead with this one :-)

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 ��������������  Interested in helping OneUp? We are currently searching for
��۱���������۱� -Friends